52-56 Hillsborough Road, Lisburn, BT28 1JJ

028 92665527


Lisburn Central Primary School & Nursery Unit

We are Primary 5


P5 enjoyed a trip to the Linen Museum to visit the D-Day exhibition! 

As part of our Egyptian topic in WAU we made our own Egyptian masks using paper maché. We then painted the masks and decorated them with glitter and jewels.

P5 enjoyed a visit from the Dogs Trust!

During our workshop with Aaron this week, we learnt how to perform CPR and put someone into the recovery position! 

On Thursday 6th June, P5 went to Castle Gardens to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings. We got to try on clothes from the War and make our own gas masks!

We enjoyed playing Tug of War with Aaron from Burns as part of our healthy heart workshop!

”A messy child is a happy child!”- Sophia, P5

This is our collaborative entry for the Ulster Museum Creative Classroom competition. We had to create a still life piece of Art. We were inspired by     Wayne Theibaud's 'Cake Fair'. 

P5 are enjoying a workshop with Burns Skills School. We learnt about our hearts and how blood flows through our bodies!

Our topic this term in WAU is the Egyptians! We enjoyed a trip to the Ulster Museum and Botanic Gardens, where we took part in an Ancient Egypt workshop!

P5 enjoyed a fire safety talk. 

Happy Easter from P5!

We Celebrated World Book Day!

We are learning about Fractions of amounts in Maths. We used cubes and counters to help us work out the answers. 

Our WAU topic is World War Two, we painted pictures of the Blitz. 

In mental maths this week, we were practicing our x4 and x9 tables with our partners. 

We worked in pairs to match contractions during Literacy! 

We took part in a robotics work shop with Sentinus!

Ditch the Dark Day in P5!

Christmas fun day!

Merry Christmas from P5!

We used oil pastels to create Angels to decorate the hall for the Nativity.

Our WAU topic this term is ‘Travel and Transport’ we got into groups and made our own cars using materials that we gathered up from home! 

For mental maths this week, we got into pairs and made up multiplication sums on our whiteboards using dominoes! 

This week in Literacy we got into groups and wrote our own Haiku poems, we then took it in turns and read them out to the class!

Our topic in WAU this term is 'Travel and Transport'. We went on a class trip to the Transport museum and explored the old cars, buses and trains! 

We made parachutes this week with Miss Smith using a range of materials, we attached weights to them and tested them to see which materials made the best parachutes!

In Literacy this term we are learning how to write our own Poems. Mrs Cromie gave each group a Poem and we performed them for the class.

P5 collected litter from around our school grounds! It is Important to throw all your rubbish in the bins to keep our school clean and tidy. 

We wore 'Odd Socks' for Anti-Bullying week. 

We enjoyed making foil boats with Miss Smith! 

Happy Halloween from P5!!

P5 enjoyed telling assembly all about

our walking tour of Lisburn.

P5's WAU topic this term is 'Our Local Area'. We went on a walking tour of Lisburn and we enjoyed learning about our local area.