52-56 Hillsborough Road, Lisburn, BT28 1JJ

028 92665527


Lisburn Central Primary School & Nursery Unit

Welcome to P6!!


Look at our WONDERFUL P6 children! 

This week, P6 have been working hard generating their own sums with dice. Fantastic work everyone. 

22nd September 2023- Today the P6 voted for and elected their peers as the school council representatives. Well done Caleb and Aanya. 

18th October 2023- P6 have been very busy today collecting litter around our school setting. P6 found lots of rubbish, from sweet and crips packets to fast food cartons to glass and large pieces of polystyrene. We discussed the importance of looking after our local area and the damage this rubbish can do to animals.  Well done everyone. 

26th October- Today P6 became investigators. We first predicted what materials thought would float and what would sink before carrying out the activity. We then discussed what materials would be suitable to make a Viking Longboat.

9th November 2023- Today P6 took part in a zoom art class with a range of schools across the lisburn and Castlereagh district. 

9th November 2023- Really enjoyed taking part with Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council Major’s Remembrance Day Art Competition. We followed along on zoom with artist Sinead’s instructions, and have all created a wonderful poppy portrait.

15.12.23 Today primary 6 took part in a business masterclass. We spent the morning at the Island Art Centre where the pupils had the chance to gain an insight into the business world and were given the opportunity to develop their enterprise and entrepreneurial skills. Special well done to Curtis who won a prize for displaying good communication, teamwork and leadership qualities. 

14.12.23 P6 class trip back to the Victorian times. P6 dressed up and went to the Ulster Folk Museum as part of their WAU topic. we had lots of fun taking part in a school lesson and playing with the playground toys. We went to the printers shop, blacksmiths, corner sweet shop, court room, and many cottages and houses to explore the history. 

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Sustrans-- Whole School Santa Mile 6.12.23 

17.01.24- P6 spent the morning learning how to programme robotic cars to travel across a floor map. They had great fun developing their coding skills today.

19.01.24 Ditch the Dark Day, today the whole school dressed up in reflective and florescent clothing. P6 led the Friday assembly to educate all children about the importance of our clothing choice when travelling in the darker months.



Today were calculating decimals sums then putting them into the correct box on the tree diagram. Fantastic work P6! 

January 2024- World Around Us- As part of our topic 'Titanic', pupils were set the task to create a cabin within the ship. Mr. Belch has then very kindly put them together for a gigantic display. The pupils are really enjoying this topic and have been researching and developing so many skills. 

9th February 2024- Pupils had the opportunity to create a painting of Harland and Wolff cranes called Samson and Goliath. Some wonderful artists in P6.  


 20.02.24- Today P6 joined the Nerve Centre and Amma Centre for an interactive journey into the world of creative coding with BBC micro:bit, streamed live into our classrooms. We discovered the magic of BBC micro:bits. These tiny programmable computers have sparked creativity and curiosity. Through engaging live demonstrations, P6 were guided through three hands-on creative coding activities, empowering young minds to explore the exciting possibilities of technology.

Feb 2024- P6 will be looking at poetry this term. Today we worked in small groups to identify a range of diffferent poems and their main features. Great team work today P6. 

07.03.24- WORLD BOOK DAY- P6 parents were tasked an undercover job to catch the pupils reading in a strange place or to a different audience. Well done P6!

07.03.24- World Book Day- P6 pupils took the afternoon to read to P1 and P2 pupils in school. This was a fantastic way P6 pupils got to display their great reading skills and engage with the younger pupils in school.  

07.03.24- P6 pupils dressed up as characters from their favourite book for WORLD BOOK DAY. 

23.04.24- Primary 6 have been busy in the classroom. We soaked, then germinated pea seeds to speed up the growing process. Once germinated, we planted them into fresh compost, and they sprouted out of the soil within 2 days. P6 are enjoying watching them grow. We also are trying to grow pumpkins. We didn’t germinate these seeds so this is why they are taking longer to sprout. Once they grow we will then transplant them out into the raised beds.

03.05.24- Today we planted out our pumpkin and pea seedlings. P6 are responsible for watering these each day and weeding the flower beds to keep them tidy. Great work everyone :) 

10.05.24- Today P6 were recapping all types of writing that we have covered so far. They had great fun working in collaboration identifying the features of the texts and writing them on the tables.

P6 have been working hard, researching lots of interesting facts about their favourite European Landmark. They created and set the 3D scene to display their drawings to make them come alive. Top work P6! 

Inspired by Vincent Van Gogh's painting of 'Starry Night' we created our own interpretation with Stonehenge, Pupils choose from a mix of paints, to pastels to colouring pencils. They all look fab! Great skills displayed. 

Primary 6 enjoyed their first visit to the school library. We discussed the front cover, blurb, spine, author and illustrators on our books.  

WAU TOPIC- 26th September- Today P6 have fun researching about the Viking Raid at Lindisfarne in Northumbria. We created a mind map to display the information we found.

P6 have been enjoying PDMU lessons with Alex from Burns Soccer Skills. We have been learning about similarities and differences, peer influence, respect, disrespect and sportsmanship.

WAU TOPIC- VIKING ART, P6 have been having lots of fun designing and creating their own Viking Shields. 

3rd October 2023- Today the P6 voted for and elected their peers as the ECO representatives. Well done Yara and Matei! 

P6 October PTA Halloween Disco. Well done to all the pupils who also entered our Pumpkin competition, winner to be announced soon. Thankyou for all your continued support.

13.11.23 To mark Anti Bullying Week in Central we all wore odd socks. This provided a great talking point and and gave all pupils the opportunity to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and recognise that we are all unique.

13/11/23- Primary 6 took part in Hip Psychology Zoom workshop, we explored the different type of bullying, from emotional, physical to cyber etc. We discussed scenarios and potential reactions while logging our answers digitally online against other schools in the local area.

23.11.23 Today it was P6’s turn to litter pick around the school. We also decided to collect fallen leaves from the carpark, playground and drains around the school to help Mr Belch. We managed to fill a tonne bag within 20 minutes. Well done P6

Please Mrs White, can we have some more? Victorian breakfast in school. 

Christmas Fun Day 2023- 

11.01.24 P6 had great fun today with Young Enterprise taking part in a workshop called ‘Our World’. Pupils had the opportunity to develop their geography skills as they learnt about importing, exporting, and trading across the world. They then had great fun playing a trading game.

22.01.24 P6 took part in a Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful Recycling Workshop. 

02.02.24 Primary 6 led another whole school assembly today, informing the pupils about internet safety and how to stay  online. Safer Internet Day is on Tuesday 6th February 2024. 

Tuesday 6th February 2024-  Safer Internet Day, All pupils took part in a poster competition, well done to our class winners, Georgia and Aanya.

5th- 9th February- Children’s Mental Health Week. MY VOICE MATTERS!

Over the week we have been learning about looking after our mental health. We have been outside for our daily mile; we have completed a PDMU simile poetry lesson, and then on Friday Mrs. White brought in a treat for all pupils of tea and biscuits instead of completing the usual Friday test.

‘No Act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted’. Aesop

Monday 12/2/24- Today P6 investigated different types of 2D shapes. We discussed and explored regular and irregular 2D shapes and their properties. Well done everyone.

Feb 2024- P6 have been working hard with fractions and percentages, we have been practicing our percentage OFF amounts, all pupils were able calculate the discount and apply this discount to each item. Fantastic application of a range of skills. 

15/3/24 P6 have enjoyed 2 terms swimming at lisburn leisureplex. Well done on achieving your badges and to those who got through to the gala in May 2024 . 

P6 have been learning about Keith Haring, Haring was blown away by the graffiti art in New York City and saw blank, black areas of space on the subway where he started to make his own, signed, graffiti art. Keith Haring’s style of art is well known for bold, bright colours with thick outlines and a cartoon-like style. Cool work P6! 

This term P6 have been focusing on poetry, we have linked our poetry to out topic, the Human Body. We have looked at acrostic poems, cinquain poems, riddles, shape poems, and simile poems. We have enjoyed performing our poems infront of the class and sharing our great work! Superb effort P6! 

25.04.24 As part of our Human Body topic this term, we programmed the Micro:bits to display a beating heart and count our steps. We took the Micro:bits outside to the playground and walked around the netball court to see how many steps we could achieve in 10 minutes. We discussed how many daily steps we should aim for as part of a healthy lifestyle. Fantastic work everyone! 

23.05.25 -As part of our EUROPE topic this term, all pupils were tasked with the project of making their own freestanding EUROPEAN landmark model.

What a fantastic display of skill, creativity, and knowledge! Keep an eye in the school foyer over the next few weeks to catch a glimpse of these fabulous structures and fact sheets. 

18.06.24 P6 got to visit the local library in Lisburn, we explored around, searching for our favourite authors, some pupils also got to borrow books from the library Heather from the library showed us how all books are stored so that they can be easily found. She even read us a story. 

19.06.24- Today we had a visit from Julie from the Dogs Trust, She discussed and taught the pupils about showing our dogs affection, being aware what a busy dog looks like, and the signals to identify how a dog might be feeling.  This links to our active travel as a lot of P6 pupils walk to and from school and they may come into contact with dogs on their route. Being aware of these key areas will help to keep the pupil safe.